Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day...Tomorrow

So it is now March 16th.  Wow!  Let me see if I can sum up what's happened since December 7th.
Well, you know that I got a job at AkzoNobel in the loop.  I walk to the L in the morning, sit for 30 mins (read) and then walk to blocks and I'm there.  So far its been good.  I've had some adjustments to do in terms of corporate mentality and my controlling boss.  YET, we've been out to 3 different dinners and we're going to lunch at a rather nice joint Friday for a co-worker's 35 year anniversary.  The job itself is good.  I like it. The people there are awesome!  I work 3 blocks from the Sears (Willis) Tower!  Who knew!?!?  I didn't!
I also have an apartment, which desperately needs to cleaned from top to bottom already.  Winters here are very hard on my white floors!  Thank God for Swiffers!  I am missing my bathtub, but the place is cheap!  It'll not surprise my former roommates to know that I rarely do my dishes right away.  What can I say?  Three years of being forced to do them won't blot out the 26 years of procrastination!
Um...thinking logically - let's do this in a time line.
December:  Christmas went well.  I went to Nebraska and had three days with the family.  NOT LONG ENOUGH!  Never doing that one again.  I got all kinds of awesome kitchen stuff including a complete pots and pan set (Thanks Mom and Dad).  My best friend gave me her old TV and I got a DVD/VCR combo on Craigslist for $20.  So after Christmas, my place was rocking!
January:  I had a Russian New Year with Olya and her family.  We watched Russian TV, opened presents (New Years is the Russian equivalent of Christmas) and set off illegal fireworks at midnight.  We also made a large cake which almost died...but we saved it and it looked frumpy but tasted fantastic!  Nothing else important happened in January, except celebrating some dead presidents and stuff.
February:  I joined an Orchestra and then my oboe promptly broke, but is now fixed!  I am the first chair oboist for the Chicago City-Wide Orchestra.  We're not the best orchestra by any stretch of the imagination but everyone loves what they're doing.  Our first concert was last Sunday and my reeds all died!  Typical.  The concert was well attended, however.  Standing room only at the Jefferson Park Field House.  Rehearsals are on Monday nights.
My best friend is now engaged.  I am the maid of honor (of course, for being a best friend for over 10 years!).  I am super duper excited.  Its happening June of 2012.  So in order to beat her to the altar, I'd have to start a serious relationship,!  Considering I don't know anyone and I'm not the type of person to date someone for a month and get married a few months later...yeah, not gonna happen.  DANG IT!  :)
March:  I went to Ikea with Jennifer either at the very end of Feb/beginning of March.  That was fun.  Iki, iki, trendy modular home furnishings!  I got some awesome glasses, a lazy susan for my spices and some other stuff that I don't remember.
Uh....what else can been going on?  I bought a book on Ethnography.  I haven't quite gotten around to doing any.
OH!  I forgot the 3rd worst blizzard in Chicago history which hit Feb 2nd and closed down the city!  It was awesome!!!  I got off work early when it started and went and did my laundry.  Had the place to myself!  And I would have had plenty of clean clothes had I been stranded.  Double perk!  Please refer to Facebook for pictures.

Well, its been a tough 3 months.  I have begun to feel the culture shock of the city set in.  I'm still attending Park Community Church and am volunteering in their cafe every 3rd Sunday.  Hopefully our small groups should be starting soon.  I hate going to a new church.  I'll just come right out and say it.  I love going to Park.  Its great there, but no knowing anyone is horribly difficult.  You walk into this auditorium of almost 1000 people and you know not a single soul.  No one there would notice if next week you just didn't show up.
That's been the hardest part of moving to Chicago.  I left my family, my friends at Cedar Creek behind.  Making new friends has not been as easy as I thought it would be.  I've got the Kellys and I've got Hilary but there's just something to be said for those relationships that takes years to build.  Single girlfriends who know where you're coming from and bash boys with you.  Speaking of which, where are all the hot single Christian men around this place?  I thought that by moving here I'd have a bit of a chance.  I'm below the average marriage age Louisville it was 24, here its 32!  I think they're waiting for spring to come and for me to drop the weight I put on by moving here!  Stupid ice cream.  :)
So there ya have it.  Struggles. Joys.  The City.  No ministry yet.  Some of that is my own fault for throwing myself a pity party and refusing to go out and do things.  Some of it is just being tired when I get home from work and wanting to just sit where its warm.
Summer will be different.  Today was WARM!  Praise the LORD!  Everyone was out!  It was a whole new neighborhood!  I never knew I had a few young polish speaking people down the block. Or that the 2nd house from the end has kids in it!
PLEASE COME VISIT ME!!!   I love visitors, will do my best to entertain you and of course, Chicago will show you a great time!
I'll be in Louisville for Braylon's wedding on April 1st and in Omaha for the family reunion over the 4th of July.
I hope you all enjoyed the update.  I hope to be able to tell you some really exciting things about how God is working in me and in this city.
Love you all!

OH!  P.S.  I did go to a church planting assessment seminar in February.  I think I passed.  They said that I'm prime core group material...which is what I thought.  :)  I swear!  I will finish Seminary sometime...when I can afford the $1000 internet classes!  Church planting classes, here I come!  Or I could just go to Louisville's Lifeway and buy the books and teach myself.  Sssssshh.  Don't tell anyone I said that!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And an Apartment in a pear tree...FIVE GOLD RINGS!

(If you know why I have FIVE GOLD RINGS! in my title, comment and I will be eternally impressed by you!)
So the past week has been incredibly stressful, incredibly frustrating, incredibly challenging spiritually and incredibly rewarding.  WHY?  Because on Wed December 1st, I signed the 1 year lease on my apartment!  Yes, yes...everyone may stand up and shout!  What made that stressful is that I didn't have a job when I signed the lease.  I signed away the last of my savings and moved into an apartment I couldn't pay for!  By FAITH I hoped that I wasn't making a colossal mistake.
Well, it was a stressful weekend.  I had a final interview for a job on Friday which went well, then I moved into my new place on Saturday and realized that all my worldly belongings can fit in a 7x10 storage unit.  Wow.  So Sunday I unpacked.  Monday I awoke to no news of the job.  I did find out that my background check and drug screen were clear so we were just waiting for the company to give me a thumbs up.  So I finished unpacking the living room - spend 2 hours putting my futon together.  Never doing THAT alone again!  Its worth it though to be able to sit on a couch in my living room, curl up in a blanket and watch TV.  Oh soooo nice!
So today a guy came over (along with my landlady) to refinish the sink in my kitchen.  It looks fantastic!
By the time I left for my New Work Development meeting with the Chicago Metro Bapt Assn (CMBA), I was panicked about not hearing about the job.  It was a rough morning spiritually.  I couldn't even see past my nose.  It was like walking down the path and there was this dense fog everywhere and I looked down and couldn't even see the next step!  Praise the Lord that he took away my anxiety!  I was able to spend some time in the scriptures and reaffirm that God is in charge of my life and he will provide if I will only trust him and have faith.  It was a hard lesson.  It still is a hard lesson.
The goods news is that...I GOT THE JOB!  Once I arrived at the mtg (which took me an hour longer to get to because I went to the north location and I was told to go to the south location...ahhh! Stupid me! At least the first hour was a 'lunch' hour...) and had a voicemail.  Praise the Lord!  I screamed in Hilary's ear that I got a job as soon as I heard the staffing lady say she confirmed the assignment.  I had to apologize as I think I actually did scream in Hilary's ear.  Poor girl. is December 7th...I have a job and I have an apartment and I am the Volunteer research coordinator (People group research) for the CMBA.  WOOT!
So yes...its been a hard week, but I am headed out to Louisville tomorrow to see all my wonderful friends!  YAY!
God has been doing some amazing things and even though he's always provided for me before, I still doubt.  I worry about how I'm going to pay my bills and I look at my bank account and say, 'Ok going to do something about this?  You want me to tithe?  I only have $20 to my name!'  But he is always faithful - even if we are not.  Praise his Name that he is!
So...the adventure continues...but at least I'm settling in.
And by popular are pictures of the almost done apartment.  The walls are still bare but I'm outta money so decorations will have to wait.  If anyone wants to get me a Christmas to my mom about what I need for my kitchen.  :)
Entry way!  Big brown thing is my front door.

View of the living room from the entry way...

View of living room from kitchen...
Kitchen.  That black thing is my heater.  It puts out the heat, lemme tell you!
Kitchen view from the back door.

New refinished sink.  Its soooo pretty!


Shower tub.  Booo!  The only thing I don't like about my apartment.
Built in bookcase/storage and a view of both bedroom entryways.

Office/Spare bedroom...not done

Yeah, really not done unpacking.

My bedroom.  Kinda messy.  Entrance to my WALK-IN CLOSET!!!

One half of closet.

2nd half of closet.  Oh yeah, shelves for my shoes baby!!

View of my bedroom from the closet door.
There you have it!  My life in Chicago has begun and I am still reeling from the happenings.
I start my job at Akzo Nobel on Monday and I am the Customer Support Specialist.  Basically I'm the CS department's Admin Assistant who is also cross trained to do customer service.  But this is high end business CS not low end upset customer all day retail CS.  I'm moving up in the world.  :)
Give God a big thank you for what he's done in your life this week.  Or at least thank him for what he's done in mine!
I'll keep ya'll updated.

Thanksgiving in Chicago!

I know its been awhile since I last posted and there's so much that's happened.
First: Thanksgiving in Chicago was fantastic!
The only bad thing was that the Thompsons had to sit in Chicago traffic for 3 hours!  I've been in traffic before in this city but the day before Thanksgiving is just crazy!
We had Thanksgiving at Melissa's Dad's house complete with Russians!  It was great to sit back and listen to the Russian and to realize that I really don't remember very much of my Russian.
No fear!  Olya to the rescue!  She is going to teach me some stuff!
On Friday we went to the Chicago Institute of Art.  It was $18 to get in and almost worth it.  I guess the pictures I took could make it worth it.  The "passing gas" noises that the doors made were definitely worth it - at least according to Mikey and Jason (Mikey being the 12 year old half-brother of Melissa's).
Without further are the pictures from that weekend!  I have no idea what the real names of most of these paintings are so...I've made up my own.  :)
Quintessential Hamlet moment

Renoir - Lady in the Red Hat

Too many freakin' dots!!

Vampire Lady...seriously...tell me she doesn't look like one!

Awesome dress...I wish I had that figure Lady.

American Gothic (ok, so I know some of the real titles)

 Pay no attention to the red shoulder in the corner!!
Looks like Norman Rockwell - isn't though
Burnham and Root's famous building - interior design on 1st floor by Frank Lloyd Wright.  If you know  anything about Chicago history or architecture, you'll be giggling with excitement right now.  Otherwise - sorry...

Thanksgiving Pictures!
Lovely lovely table setting...took 2 days to set-up.  20 mins to be destroyed!

FANTASTIC Turkey.  Especially made by someone who doesn't eat meat!
Please see my Facebook page for more photos of the family.  :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Give me a J, Give me an O, Give be a B - what does that spell?

I apologize profusely for the lack of postings.  I have no excuse except that there hasn't been much going on to write home about...until today!  Ha ha!  In 3 days, I'll have been here 1 month.
IT IS COLD!  We awoke to 29 degrees today!  Yesterday it was....guess.  Come on, just take a stab in the dark.  HA!  WRONG!  66 degrees!  Baaaaaad storms came through last night while I was sitting in rush hour trying to get to the western side of city.  2 hours.  Dang.  But I did get some gas while I was out there!
So...several things of note have been going on this week and to follow a friend's example, I'll use a bulleted list!
1.  The Thompsons are coming to Chicago for Thanksgiving!!  YAY!  Of course, they're bringing the monkey too.  For those not familiar with the monkey, she is not a monkey at all, but the cutest 19 month old in the world!  Shown here.  She also goes by bugar and Jamie.
2.  I have had 3 interviews since last week.  The interview on Friday was for a wholesale Jewelry company that has been in business here since 1854.  It is an office assistant position and I'm supposed to know by tomorrow.  The next interview was for an administrative support position for a customer service department of Akzon Nobel.  They are a chemical manufacturing company with offices all over the world.  That job is only temporary- no time frame as yet but it could become permanent or other opportunities could arise within that company.  The interview I have at 2pm today is for Groupon.  That position is for Quality assurance.  That is my least favorite prospect out of the 3 of them but Holy Cow there are 3 prospects!!  Praise the Lord!
3.  The apartment that is being renovated in the basement of this building is finally almost ready!  Hopefully, crosses fingers, I can move in next weekend perhaps.  That would be FANTASTIC!  Then I can have people come and stay with me!  Only bad side of the apartment = no bathtub.  Booo!
4.  I think I have found the church that God would have me attend.  Park Community that I mentioned earlier.  I finally went to the 5:30p service on Sunday and I really really liked it.  I liked it better than the 9 and 11am services, so I think I'll go there.  It also doesn't hurt that most people my age and most of the singles go to that service.  Also, I met a girl named Sarah at the intro class on Sunday night who is working for Campus Crusade for Christ here in Chicago and she was a vocal performance major.  We are going to meet up next week and get to know one another.  I was very very encouraged by that entire evening, which I almost didn't go to because I wanted to take a nap. The Holy Spirit knew what He was doing when He sent me there!
5.  I was very encouraged by a Christian friend in Chicago to explore some aspects of my relationship with God that I had never contemplated before.  I've hit some walls in my Christian growth and what she said really made sense.  So I've been pursuing that with the Lord and it has been a tremendous blessing.  I hope to be able to discuss it with her further and to develop my thinking on some of these issues.

The sum total of above?  God has been soooo faithful!  Once again, I can't do anything but praise him for the amazing things he's done!
Now - onto some fun stuff.
Magnificent Mile Festival of Lights Parade!  The Kellys and I went on Saturday to the first holiday parade of the season.  I knew I wouldn't be able to get to the Thanksgiving Day parade so we halted all work on Saturday and took the L downtown.  It was all to wall people.  The parade itself wasn't a lot of fun but it was great to see all the people!  We were able to walk down the middle of Michigan Ave after the parade and see the street lined with lights.  I got some pretty cool pictures!
Looking down Michigan Ave after the parade!

We "watched" the parade from here.

Isn't she adorable?

This was the crowd in front of us.

The Chicago Tribune Bldg.  Gorgeous!
Water Tower!

Wall to wall people!

Oh look!  More people!

Pretty! Water tower in the background!

THIS is why we took the L.

Royal Chicago Mounted Police!

The Lovely Kellys...see the water tower in the back?

Yay!  Purple?

Water Tower pump house.
That is all my friends.  If I get a job, you'll be among the first to know!  Woot!

Friday, November 12, 2010


I know its been awhile since I last posted.  Don't worry - nothing important happened.
The big topic today is:  Laundry! YEP!  That's the headline for today!  My first Chicago trip to the laundromat!  $1.75 a wash and $.25 dryers.  I don't know how long $.25 will get you but I felt like it took my clothes entirely too long to dry.  Another lady who came in at the same time was almost done with her 6 loads drying by the time I got my 2 loads done drying.  ::le sigh:: I guess I picked the crappy dyers. Perhaps that's why they were not in use.  ::nods head::  Ah, now the backstory unfolds.  Ha ha!
Well, this week has been rather...discouraging.  I'm still job hunting and that has me down (not to mention the nasty sinus stuff that's still lurking around -boo!).  I had another interview yesterday with another staffing company and this lady seems to be more interesting in getting me a job.  Unfortunately, the job I applied for was filled today and I don't even think they read over my resume.  But, I have to keep trusting in God's sovereignty.  He knows the needs that I have and he will fill them.  A friend told me yesterday to be strong and take courage.  ::sighs:: Oh I wish I could.  I do have some temp work that starts tomorrow.  The bad part is that the job is going to suck.  Over an hour on the train there, 6 hours on my feet making people take a newspaper they probably don't want, then another hour home.  And all this starts at 5:30am!  I am grateful for the work, it is money coming in - despite how much I may complain.
IN OTHER NEWS:  I keep taking sneak peeks in the windows of the apartment that I'm in line for.  Kevin has been painting like a mad man.  I was hoping it would be done by Thanksgiving but once he's done painting, they've got to do flooring so I'm not confident it will be.  But neither am I confident that I'll have a job by that time to pay for it.
I did get some FANTASTIC news yesterday and today - about two completely different things by two divergent people.  I cannot tell you either of them, however.  I have been sworn to secrecy on both accounts.  Both made me want to do jigs around the apartment.  I did not lose my dignity and do so, I simply said something like, "YAY YAY YAY YAY, Woo-hoo!  Hahahahahaha!  YAY."  Yeah, it was downright fun!
On another up note because God is faithful and I have no reason to be discouraged on that fact alone!  The Kellys and I sat down and looked at Chicago events coming up that are free.
There is the Thanksgiving Day Parade which looks stupendous!
There is the lighting of the tree in Daley Plaza.
There is caroling at the Rockefeller Center with the carillon.
Then there is "Snow Days" in January at the Navy Pier.  Its a snow sculpting competition.
That and the zoos are free and there are museums to see.  Hopefully I can be blogging about some of those fun things in the near future.
I promise...I will perk up!  Cross my heart!
Until next time...
Much Love

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Chicago is my city!

So my mom reminded me tonight that I haven't posted anything here since Sunday.
Well, its been an interesting week.  So here's a short synopsis:
Cousin Lindsey with Molly and Piglet
and Baby Griffin as a Honey Pot.  Sooo cute!
Monday - I rode the Metra (the L for the suburbs) to Arlington Heights to babysit again for my cousin Lindsey.  Kids were great!  Soooo cute!  Molly just makes me grin!  THEN I went downtown to register my car.  That was expensive - $194 to title my car in IL and to get plates.  OH...MY...GOSH!  So I'm poorer than normal right now.  God has provided though so I'm not destitute.
Tuesday - what did I do on Tuesday?  Uh...I don't think I went anywhere.  I think I stayed in my pajamas till 3p then did some job stuff, got an interview for a job...cooked dinner, read a lot.  It was a day of nothing. I watch a lot of Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Wednesday - Kevin and Jennifer left for Houston about 5am so I have the house to myself until next Tues.  Its strange being alone.  I feel like this is a test.  Can I really make it in Chicago by myself?  I can!
So Wednesday I drove out to Des Plaines to meet with the Director of Missions (DOM) for the Chicago Metro Baptist Association (CMBA).  I had expressed interest in ethnic and people group research when I came in June so we went over some of that stuff. It's a huge task but one that will greatly help the strategy and church planting here in Chicago.  It might even hold a full-time position somewhere down the road, somewhere down the long road!  So last night I sat and read.  I tried to cuddle with Max (the Kelly's kitty) but he is still kinda anti-social.  He's warming up now that the Kellys aren't here to feed and cuddle him.  I almost got him onto my lap this afternoon. It was a bit chilly.
200 W Madison
The building I had my interview in!
Thursday - So today...I got up early and went downtown for my interview.  On the 20th floor of a fantastic building.  The view was not so great, just the 20th floor of other buildings, but hey, it was still a Chicago experience.  I rode the L by myself and got off at the right spot and didn't even get lost once on my way to the interview!  The interview went well and I hope to have some kind of job next weekend.  They were going to put my resume in for a job tomorrow but I don't think I'll get it.  I'm not sure I'm supposed to have it.  We'll see what God has planned.
So after that, I came home, grabbed some lunch and sat and read for awhile.  Max almost joined me on the couch, but he is still shy.
Then I remembered that my friend Hilary had some flyers she was going to be passing out for a discussion group she is starting in the neighborhood of UIC (University of IL Chicago).  So we went to businesses and asked if we could put flyers up on their message boards and got a really good response from most people.  It should be a good group.  It starts next Wednesday so I'll let everyone know how it goes.
The fantastic Artopolis!
After that, it started to rain - praise the LORD it waited until after we were done.  So we went to Greek town and ran in the rain to a fantastic little Greek restaurant - Artopolis.  The food was good and I had a great time chatting with Hilary and her friend Sara about their ministries.  God is doing some good stuff in Chicago - or at least beginning to.
Please be praying for those working in Chicago.  There is so much need here and so few workers.  Please be praying that God would send more workers who will help reach Chicago for Christ.
Please also be praying for a job for me so that I can move into the apartment I think God has for me when its ready.  It will most likely be another 2 weeks before its ready, but I'd love to have the security deposit and the first month's rent ready to go.  Also be praying for how God wants to use me in Chicago.  I am participating in others' ministries while I am getting settled so I am active but I want to start looking at what God has for me here.
God is really taking care of me here.  I have wanted for nothing and had plenty of everything, even friends and family to make the transition so much easier.  I cannot praise God enough for all He has done, is doing and will do in my life here.  I am starting to feel like this is my city.  I can tell that God has moved me here.  I miss everyone in Louisville and I wish I could still be a part of their lives, but my time there was over.  I can see that very clearly now.  The LORD is being so gracious to me during this time of uncertainty and transition.
Please let me know if I can be praying for you in anyway.
Much Love

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

I hope everyone had a spooky yet safe holiday!
This morning I went to Park Community Church - Near North campus.  They are a "newer" church plant in Chicago that targets mainly the 20 and 30 somethings in the city.  They do it well.  In the past 15-20 years, they've grown from a small congregation in a school to a three campus several thousand member church whose hearts are still for bringing people to Christ and sending out missionaries.  I went to the 9am service since we had Halloween stuff going on that we needed to prep for.  My fantastic Sunday School class from Louisville called me while I was on my way.  A big shout out to CCBC in Louisville - you guys are still closest to my heart!  They were shocked that it was 8:47am and I was on the interstate going to church.  Don't worry, I'll probably aim to go to the 11am service most of the time.  And they have a 5pm service as well - I went to that one the last time and enjoyed it but I feel like I'm not giving God my best if I don't worship in the beginning of the day.  If life gets crazy, I can head to that service, but I'll plan for the 11am.
You can check out Park Community Church here.
Onto Halloween...
I wish I had grown up in Chicago because these kids had MASS amounts of candy!  In Chicago, a lot of the stores give out candy so you don't just go to the neighborhoods, you pick a really busy street (like Milwaukee Ave next to our apt) and you walk up and down it getting candy.
Kevin is a Forest Ranger who will show you all the
wonders of Milwaukee and Jennifer is a cat - Meow!
The Kellys, myself and our friend Hilary passed out hot chocolate and also had a free photo booth for the trick-or-treaters out on Milwaukee.  We were going to make cotton candy, but the machine wouldn't work off of a car battery inverter.  The wattage just wasn't enough, so we tried to make them at the house and walk them down. That didn't really work either as we had hundreds of people coming by and not nearly enough cotton candy.  So we stuck with the hot chocolate.  In the end we made 12 gallons of hot chocolate and passed out between 400-500 cups.  Oh My Gosh! you might say.  Yes!  By the time we got done and came home and unloaded the car and made dinner, we were kinda punch drunk.  We did get about 35 family pictures that we get to take out.  Hopefully we can meet some new people in the neighborhood through this.  (Random - I just heard a cat freaking out or fighting outside the house, it was semi-Monty Python-ish...made me giggle.)
Once cleaned up, we finished off the cotton candy floss in the machine and then Kevin and Jennifer turned their cones into Kazoos.  We ended up singing the Get Smart theme in 3 part harmony.  It was fantastic!!
Long story short - good day.  Some unexpected twists and turns but overall God was very faithful.  Please be in prayer for church planters in Chicago as they follow God's leading and struggle with how to plant churches and how to evaluate what they're doing in the light of how God has told them to lead.  This is a difficult task in this city.
Tomorrow is my first Metra train ride (the train system that goes from the city to the suburbs).  I'll be going up to Arlington Heights to babysit for my cousin again and I'm also going to be registering my car downtown afterwards.  Please be praying that I don't have to have residency to register my car or else I'll be in trouble.  My tags expired today so I can't drive it until I get new tags.  Cross your fingers and say a prayer!